Are Leaders Born or Made?

Are Leaders Born Or Made? This Debate Has Been Raging On For Years, However, One Thing That Most People Agree Upon There Are Certain Characteristics And Qualities A Leader Should Possess.

Wise Writers Often Hedge With A “Both” Responses, Noting That There Are Certainly Natural-Given Qualities In Leaders And Still Note That There Has Been Development And Maturing Along The Way.

If you do a google search on this very topic; you will find varying opinions on this topic as seen in the bullets below.

  • Some people are, indeed, born leaders. ... And that's where the real potential for “made leaders” lies… Forbes (2012).

  • Legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi once said: “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”
  • A quick answer to “Are leaders born or made?” is “born”. The reasons are more complex as they impact the success of millions of careers and businesses. Because not all-natural leaders are great at the beginning...

Take Parenting For Example-There Are Many Good Parents That Are Naturals. Just Like Being A Good Leader There Have Been Many Studies On What Great Parenting Is As Well. They Have Instincts That Only Other Amazing Parents Can Understand And Relate To.

Does that mean that great parents are great at parenting right from the start? No! Most of their time, in the beginning, the parent is learning from mistakes, learning from each other, and learning through experience. Over time they become a “Better Parent which equals a Better Person” and a “Better Leader.”

The same can be said about a leader. A leader is born with the traits to be a good leader and has the instincts just as a mother or father would have. A leader is going to learn through experience, learn from their own missteps and learn from other leaders on how to achieve being not only a good leader but a "Better Leader."

Warren Bennis Said It Best: “Too Many Companies Believe People Are Interchangeable. Truly Gifted People Never Are. They Have Unique Talents. Such People Cannot Be Forced Into Roles They Are Not Suited For, Nor Should They Be. Effective Leaders Allow Great People To Do The Work They Were Born To Do.” ― Warren Bennis, Organizing Genius: The Secrets Of Creative Collaboration 

Warren Bennis Within The Area Of Management, Bennis Sought To Move From Theory To Practice In 1967, Taking The Post Of Education Of The State University Of New York At Buffalo And The Presidency Of The University Of Cincinnati In 1971. He Authored Two Books On Leadership During His Presidency: The Leaning Ivory Tower, 1973, And The Unconscious Conspiracy: Why Leaders Can't Lead, 1976.

The Wall Street Journal Named Him As One Of The Top Ten Most Sought Speakers On Management In 1993; Forbes Magazine Referred To Him As The "Dean Of Leadership Gurus" In 1996. The Financial Times Referred To Him In 2000 As "The Professor Who Established Leadership As A Respectable Academic Field." In August 2007, Business Week Ranked Him As One Of The Top Ten Thought Leaders In Business

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