Better Leader - Better Person Corner

Whether you are ready to take on greater responsibilities are looking for tips on how to motivate yourself or your team, this site will help you develop and grow as a better leader. You will learn from this site on how to bridge the gap between manager and leader, and the art of being present and much more on becoming a better leader-better person.

Be Courageous, Being Bold, Be Your Best!

Leading is a courageous act. It's out front, ushering in change, and challenging the status quo. Courage involves being comfortable with the conflict that is inherent to being a champion of an idea or course of action.

Are You a Trustworthy Leader?

Trust lies at the heart of effective relationships. But how do you encourage trust? Whether in or out of the workplace, trust generates feelings of goodwill.

Are Leaders Born or Made?

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.” – Warren G. Bennis 

What's the Ideal Leader?

As we go through this journey together let’s discuss this by having a heart-to-heart conversation. We must look inside ourselves to see whether or not we meet that ideal image... 

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